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When trying to install a software or simply restarting your computer, you may encounter the CLR error 8000405; the program will now terminate error in Windows.
This error usually can occur if you have multiple versions of the .NET framework installed on the sytem at one time. While having more than on instances of the .NET framework may not be an issue for everyone, at times, it can create compatibility issues resulting in the following error.
If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the CLR error 8000405; the program will now terminate error in Windows.
How do I fix the Docker CLR error 8000405 in Windows?
1. Run the program as admin
C:Program Files (x86)
Does nothing happen when you click Run as administrator? Check this guide
2. Run the program in compatibility mode
C:Program Files (x86)
Running the program in compatibility mode can help you resolve the issue if the program you are trying to run is not compatible with your Windows version. Windows will automatically try to run it in the compatibility mode once the option is selected.
3. Check for multiple instances of .NET framework
In most of the cases, the CLR error 8000405 error occurs if the user has multiple instances of .NET framework installed on their computer. Removing and reinstalling the .NET framework can help you resolve the issue.
The CLR error 8000405 is a common occurrence and occurs if the third-party you are trying to launch does not have sufficient permission.
It may also occur if the program is not compatible with your Windows OS. However, in most of the cases, it is the multiple instances of the .NET framework that has resulted in the problem.
Follow all the steps in this article one by one and let us know which method helped you resolve the error in the comments.