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Because printer ink isn’t exactly the cheapest office material to come by, it goes without saying that you’d want to be very careful on how you actually use it.
Because of this, many programs, and even the printers themselves are set by default to save ink whenever given the chance.
For example, most of the times when you try to print a web-page, you’re probably interested more in the text and other elements such as icons or images.
As such, the printing of background colors and images is disabled by default in some web browser applications.
This guide is here to help you figure out how to disable this function, depending on the browser you are using.
Steps to print background colors in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 11
Keep in mind that IE is a pretty old browser. The only IE version currently supported by Microsoft is Internet Explorer 11.
For this reason, if you’re still using IE, we strongly recommend installing a newer browser.
If you’re looking for a fast and privacy-compliant browsing tool, download UR Browser on your PC.
Editor's recommendation
- Fast page loading
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- Built-in virus scanner
Still not convinced? Check out our in-depth review of UR Browser.
How to print background colors in Firefox and Chrome
Print background colors in Chrome
Google Chrome is currently incapable of printing background colors and images, even with the help of third-party browser extensions.
If there are currently any other lesser-known browsers that allow the printing of background images, please do not hesitate to share them with the community in the comments below.