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Face recognition is security technology that protects your PC, but many users reported that Windows 10 face recognition isn’t working for them. This can be a problem and leave your PC vulnerable, so in today’s article, we’ll show you how to fix this issue.
Background: Surface Pro 4 with Windows 10, domain joined. Facial recognition worked for over six months. Then some updates were pushed out and it stopped working.
What to do if face recognition won’t work on Windows 10?
1. Reset Face Recognition Settings
Press the Windows Key + I buttons together to open the Settings app.Click on Accounts and then the Sign In option.
Go to Face Recognition option then select Remove.Click on Get Started and follow the onscreen instruction to set up face recognition again.Restart your computer.2. Reinstall drivers
Press the Windows key + X buttons together, and select Device Manager.
Locate Biometric Devices in Device Manager.Right-click on the device then select the Uninstall option.
Select the Scan for hardware changes icon. This will update your drivers.
3. Restore older driver
Open the Device Manager.
Click on System Devices and then Surface Camera Windows Hello.Click on the Driver tab and then click on the Roll Back Driver button.
4. Turn on/Enable Biometrics
First, press the Windows Key + R, type gpedit.msc and press the Enter key.
Then, click on Computer Configuration and then on Administrative Templates.
Also, click on Windows Components then Biometrics.
Now, double click on Allow the use of biometrics option in the setting.
Select the Enabled option.Now, click on Apply then click OK.
Also, click Allow users to log on using biometrics option.Click on Apply then click OK.Restart your computer and see if this the problem persists.There you go, four simple solutions that can help you if Windows 10 face recognition isn’t working. Feel free to try them all, and let us know in the comments section if our solutions were helpful to you.