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Error 0x82D40004 on your Xbox One can prevent you from playing certain games. Although this error seems problematic, you can easily fix it by using one of our solutions below.
Here’s how one user described the issue on Microsoft Answers forum:
Im trying to play Monster Hunter World but when i insert the disk into my xbox 1 i keep getting a message saying “cant read license, check to see if disc is dirty or damaged” error code 0x82d40004.
How can I fix disc error 0x82d40004 on my Xbox One?
1. Insert the game disc
Sometimes this error can appear due to licensing issues, but you can fix that simply by following these steps:
2. Clean your disc
Game installation stopped on your Xbox One? Fix it right now with this guide!
3. Restart your console
4. Try a soft reset
Note: You can also use Reset and remove everything option, but that will remove all installed games and apps, so you’ll have to download them again.
5. Try a different disc or contact Microsoft support
Xbox disc error 0x82d40004 will prevent you from running certain games, but hopefully, you managed to fix it with our solutions.
If you found our solutions helpful, let us know in the comments section below.