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QWERTY is the most widespread keyboard layout in the Western world. However, some users might prefer to utilize alternative keyboard layouts, such as the Dvorak or Colemak layouts.
Keyboard layouts also vary between countries. If you want to use different ones on Windows 10, here’s how you can do it easily.
How can I add or remove keyboard layouts in Windows 10?
1. How to add a new keyboard layout
To add a new keyboard layout in Windows 10, open the search utility with the Windows key + S hotkey.Enter the keyword ‘keyboard’ in the search box.Click Edit language and keyboard options to open the window shown directly below.Select English, or another language, on that window.Click Options to open the settings shown directly below.Then click Add a keyboard to select an English or foreign keyboard layout from the drop-down menu.Users can then switch to the new keyboard layout by pressing the Windows key + Space bar. Keep pressing the Space bar to cycle through the input methods and select the one required.If you’re having trouble opening the Setting app, take a look at this article to solve the issue.
2. How to remove a keyboard layout
To remove a keyboard layout from Windows 10, open the Language tab in Settings again.Then select a language to remove the keyboard layout for.Click the Options button.Select a keyboard layout listed.Then press the Remove button.
3. Open the on-screen keyboard
Changing the keyboard layout will also change the on-screen keyboard to selected input method. To open the on-screen keyboard, click the Type here to search button.Input ‘on-screen keyboard’ in the search box.Then select On-Screen Keyboard to open the keyboard shown directly below, which includes a DVORAK layout. Users who don’t have a keyboard to match the selected input method can open the on-screen keyboard for a typing reference.So, that’s how you can add and remove keyboard layouts on Windows 10. Then you can try out some new keyboard layouts that might actually be a little more efficient than QWERTY. Note that adding new language packs to Windows will also add a keyboard layout for them.
If you have any more questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach for the comments section below.