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The freshest shooter from the Halo family gained much recognition upon its release in 2015. Now, millions of players around the world are on a mission of leading Master Chief against evil hordes of alien enemies.
However, fighting opponents is not the biggest problem some players face while playing this game. Namely, numerous users recently reported that the multiplayer mode in Halo 5: Guardians doesn’t work.
Check for services outage
In the case Halo 5 or Xbox Live services are down, there’s no way you can play the game so wait. While service outages don’t happen very often, they do go down from time to time and that’s when you need to be patient.
- To check if Xbox Live services are down, visit this link
- To check if Halo 5 services are down, visit this link
Check your connection
If your console isn’t connected to the internet, you won’t be able to play any multiplayer game, including Halo 5. So, check your connection on Xbox One to make sure everything is right.
In case you’ve noticed any problems with the internet connection on your Xbox One, check out this article.
Restart the console
If none of the solutions from above solved the problem, you might want to restart your console. To restart your Xbox One, follow these instructions:
- Scroll left from Home to open the guide.
- Select Settings.
- Select Restart console.
- Select Yes to confirm.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, just let us know in the comments below!