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No visual on your game means no game at all. Unfortunately, this problem appeared for many users that play through Nvidia GameStream.
Most people encountered this issue when launching Dark Souls III in the Shield tablet.
Also, users can access the controls, but there’s only a black screen. Moreover, the sound works properly.
Luckily, there are some solutions available to fix this problem and today we will show you how to bring the visual experience back on Nvidia Gamestream.
Here’s how to fix black screen on GameStream
1. Add Remote Desktop
Adding a Remote Desktop solves the issue for quite a few users. We described the method below.
2. Force to stream at 1080p60 resolution
Usually, a different resolution solves a video issue. Follow the steps below to try this solution.
3. Reinstall GeForce Experience
A simple reinstallation of GeForceExperience might remove the bug. The following steps below will show you how to reinstall GFE.
Also, if you reinstall GeForce Experience, the Nvidia driver will not be affected in any way. So, this method is safe as it doesn’t affect your drivers.
Not seeing anything in GameStream is no game (literally). That’s why is important to solve this issue. You can do that as quickly as possible with our solutions.
Reinstalling GeForce Experience is the better option since the first two could prove inefficient. So, deleting and installing the program will remove this bug.
Moreover, you can avoid these problems by updating your graphics driver frequently. Learn how to do that with the help of our detailed guide.
Alternatively, you can check these driver updating tools to make sure your computer will work properly.
Did our solutions solve the problem? Do let us know in the comments section below!