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The Netxbook Flexx 11 is a small detachable Windows 10 tablet perfect for users who don’t need to run complex tasks on their devices.
If you’re planning to upgrade your Flexx 11 tablet to Windows 10 version 1709, however, you should know that you may encounter various driver issues after you install the update. Oftentimes, after install the webcam won’t work, audio will be wonky, the touchscreen is unresponsive, and more. All these bugs will quickly make you regret hitting the upgrade button.
The good news is that you can quickly fix this problem! But first, here’s how one user describes this issue on Microsoft’s forum:
Had problems after Installation of windows 10 fall creators update. Touchscreen inop, sd card reader inop, Web cam inop, audio inop. Came here to see if I was alone in this situation or not. Obviously I’m not alone. went through the recommended process updating through device manager. To no avail. […] for some reason windows generic drivers for these intel chips don’t work very well. this is the second time I have had this happen. For some reason windows drivers on these chips don’t recognize the sd, the audio speakers, touchscreen, or the web cam. The wifi on my PC worked on both occasions. Don’t forget Intel makes the chips. Microsoft makes the os. and the manufacturer just put’s the hardware together. […]
How to fix Flexx 11 issues on the FCU v1709
Although Flexx 11 is often affected by various driver issues after users install its latest updates, there is a solution that always works.
Go to Intel’s website and download Intel’s driver updater. Run the tool and all your driver issues should be history now.
As a quick reminder, you can fix driver issues using Windows 10’s dedicated troubleshooter. Here are the steps to follow:
- Go to Settings > Update & Security
- In the left-hand panel, select Troubleshoot
- In the new window, select the troubleshooter that best suits your needs.
You can also update your drivers using the Device Manager. Problematic drivers usually have a yellow exclamation mark.
Right-click the driver that you want to update and then simply click the ‘Update driver’ option.
Instead of performing this action by yourself, we recommend using an automated software that downloads and installs the latest drivers for your PC, without harming your device or user data.
We hope the solutions listed above help fix the driver issues that you may have encountered on your Flexx 11 tablet after upgrading to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.