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Microsoft Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and it connects data from multiple sources to present visually immersive and interactive insights. However, some users have reported “power bi we can’t finish signing you up, Your IT department has turned off signup for Microsoft BI. Contact them to complete the signup.” error while trying to sign up for the service.
Following the steps given in this article to troubleshoot the Power Bi, we can’t finish the signing you up error.
Why can’t I sign up for Microsoft Power BI?
1. Contact the Administrator
2. Force Logout from the Microsoft Account
Log out from Microsoft Account
3. Use the Organization’s Email Account
4. Use PowerShell Command
Set-MsolCompanySettings -AllowAdHocSubscriptions $true
As a side note, if you prefer working in the web-based environment we highly suggest using the safest and the most private browser there is. We at WindowsReport thoroughly tested it over a span of a few months and can say only good things about Opera Browser.
In terms of performance, Opera also has a unique Turbo feature that can be used when you have an extremely slow connection, such as airport wifi.
When turned on, it can load pages much faster on a slower connection by using an algorithm that removes images and other heavy content, allowing you to see the basics of the page.
Opera also offers data savings through compression technologies that are not seen in other browsers.
The difficulty to sign in to Power BI is not an unsolvable challenge. How did you deal with it and resolve it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.