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Is your Linksys router flashing an orange light? Are all lights blinking? We are here to show you some fast troubleshooting techniques that are helpful in solving these problems in just a couple of steps.
Trying to second-guess the outcome of these methods is exhausting, so check them out by yourself.
What can I do if the lights of my Linksys router are blinking?
1. Rule out hardware failure
Sometimes, there might be a cable connectivity error causing your Linksys router to blink orange or flash all lights. Before moving forward, make sure the wall power supply is not malfunctioning.
Replace the power supply with another one, possibly from a second unit and confirm if it works. Also, try to replace the power adapter of your router.
2. Make sure firmware is working on the latest version
If the Linksys router firmware is not working on the latest version, then it might create a problem in the router. Prevention is always better than the cure, but take this update in both ways.
It often solves problems such as flashing lights on your router and prevents errors like this one from ever happening again.
3. Check MAC Address Clone settings
You may find the following procedure helpful too. MAC address cloning issues often cause Linksys routers to blink that annoying orange light. So, login into your Linksys router, go to Setup and check the MAC Address Clone settings.
4. Change the router’s IP Address
Could the modem and your Linksys router have the IP Address of the same class? Login into Linksys router, go to the Router IP Address window, then change it with a different IP Address class like
Save the changes and restart your Linksys router.
5. Reset your Linksys router
Before proceeding to this particular step, you should have worked through all the methods discussed above. We’re saying that since restoring your router to its default setting might be tricky and involves erasing all data.
To proceed, locate the Reset button on the router. The location may vary for every model, yet it is usually hidden in a tiny hole to prevent accidental resets. To press it, you use a paper clip or another small sharp-pointed object.
Hold the button for about 30 seconds. Then, remove the router’s power adapter. Wait for another 30 seconds before plugging it back in.
Confused about what to do next? Configure your Linksys router with the help of this guide.
After carefully following all the above steps, your Linksys router should work without any other issues.
If you have further questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below.