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Did you get Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device error message? Don’t panic. We will show you how to resolve this error message. The error message occurs when the internet is not working on your Windows PC as a result of VPN conflict with your network adapter.
Some users experienced the error after an update.
“At the bottom of windows desktop in the tray, my network icon has a red x with a popup dialog that says “Not connected – No connections are available”. When I look in device manager all the network adapters have a yellow caution symbol. When I click on each adapter I get a dialog that says “Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device. (Code 56)” It sounds to me like the update is not working correctly.”
Learn below how to fully address it.
How do I solve Setting up the class configuration for this device error
1. Use Network adapter troubleshooter
After restarting your PC, you can then start your internet connection to see if it works. Alternatively, you can try other fixes below.
2. Disable your VPN connection
Note: Some recommended VPN programs such as BullGuard VPN, NordVPN, and CyberGhost are notable for working effectively with any type of internet connection. Therefore, you should migrate to such a VPN to prevent error with your internet connection.
3. Reset network settings
4. Run Windows Update
In conclusion, we do hope that you are able to fix the Windows is still setting up the class configuration for this device error by applying any of the aforementioned solutions above. If so, do leave us a comment below.