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Nvidia is well-known for its ultra-powerful graphics cards, especially in the gaming community.
However, some users have been complaining that they have been having issues with some of their devices:
I am having a problem where if I use my graphics extensively, playing video, music, or any other graphics intensive activity, my computer will, more often than not, black screen for about 3-8 minutes and then come back. A system message pops up saying:
Display driver Nvidia Windows Kernel Mode driver, (whatever driver version I have) has stopped responding and has successfully recovered.
This issue is not that uncommon, so a lot of users have tried a lot of solutions until eventually, some stood out as being able to fix this issue.
We’ve compiled a list of all of these solutions, and arranged them in a step-by-step manner so you can understand them easier.
How can I fix the Nvidia Kernel Mode Driver error?
1. Reinstall your Nvidia drivers
- You should create a restore point in case things go wrong
- If you don’t know how to create a restore point, check out this detailed guide
- It is preferable if your launch in Safe Mode
Alternatively, we recommend using a third-party tool that is specialized in identifying drivers that need an update and proceeds to download and install them automatically.
This is a time-saving solution that will stabilize your operating system and help it reach peak performance.
2. Disable Windows Visual Enhancements
- This will open System Properties
- Smooth edges of screen fonts
- Smooth-scroll list boxes
- Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
3. Set PhysX configuration
4. Turn off Vertical Sync
5. Registry Fix
- This will open the Registry Editor
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers
6. Tweak Internet Explorer
You receive the error while browsing with Internet Explorer, then you need to make some tweaks.
By following these steps, you should be able to get rid of any Nvidia Kernel Mode Driver errors.
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