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The power of your Nvidia GPU heavily depends on the associated software, namely, the drivers. Issues might arise, an update might go awry and you would, occasionally, need to uninstall Nvidia drivers and install a different (newer) version manually. Thus, we made sure to explain how to safely uninstall Nvidia drivers from your PC. Without risking any further issues and more critical ones, for that matter.
How do I uninstall Nvidia drivers on Windows 10?
1. Use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)
2. Uninstall drivers from Control Panel
3. Use a third-party uninstaller
If you want to uninstall Nvidia drivers from your PC faster and efficiently, we recommend using third-party software created specifically for this action.
A standard uninstall performed manually leaves behind unnecessary files and data that clog your system and affect the performance of your PC. This tool uninstalls software without leaving any traces behind and has other functionalities that keep your Windows OS clean and safe.