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This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked error message can appear while trying to edit Word and Excel documents on Mac. The issue usually occurs when trying to edit citations, and in this article, we’ll show you how to fix that.
How do I unlock a document for editing on Mac?
1. Update Word to the latest version
If you’re getting This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked error, try updating Word. You can do that by following these steps:
2. Try copying the contents of the file
Few users reported that copying the contents of the file fixed the This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked error.
Simply create a new document and paste the contents of the file that’s giving you the error to it. This is a simple workaround, but it might help you out.
3. Create a new administrator account
4. Reinstall Office
Sometimes, there might be a glitch with Office that is causing the This document has certain edit capabilities that have been locked error. To fix it, you need to reinstall Office by following these steps:
After doing that, you need to remove the files from the user Library folder by doing the following:
- microsoft.errorreporting
- microsoft.Excel
- microsoft.netlib.shipassertprocess
- microsoft.Office365ServiceV2
- microsoft.Outlook
- microsoft.Powerpoint
- microsoft.RMS-XPCService
- microsoft.Word
- microsoft.onenote.mac
- UBF8T346G9.Office
- UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost
Lastly, you need to remove Office applications from the Dock by doing this:
There you go, these are the best ways to fix This document has certain edit capabilities that has been locked error, so be sure to try them all.
If you have other questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section below.