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Even though the PC Master Race community has a lot to say about PC superiority over the consoles, we can agree that some games are just not suited for the keyboard/mouse combo. Using a controller is a must, especially if you’re playing sports simulations a lot.
And, what’s better for Windows gaming than a Microsoft-produced controller? Xbox 360 is old but its controllers are still sturdy and built with quality.
So, if by any chance, you want to use an Xbox 360 controller on Windows 8, here’s how to get a necessary driver.
How to get a proper Xbox 360 controller driver for Windows
Windows 10 has a lot of drawbacks in comparison to older Windows iterations but driver support isn’t one of them. In the Xbox 360 controller case, Windows 10 would install the controller automatically, saving you some time and effort.
This doesn’t apply to Windows 8 or Windows 7, where you need to get the driver manually. Plug-and-play won’t work for Windows 8 and earlier iterations of the Windows platform.
Luckily, there’s no need to roam all around the World Wide Web for a proper set of drivers. Microsoft provides Xbox 360 controller drivers for Windows 7 and earlier iterations on their official website.
Have in mind that they won’t work on Windows 8 if not run in the compatibility mode. A lot of users will rather rely on third-party applications for drivers and key mapping but this all can be done with the system built-in resources.
Download and install Xbox 360 controller driver for Windows PC
If you’re not sure how to download and install Xbox 360 controller driver for Windows 8, follow these steps:
If you want to test it, follow these instructions:
You can also choose to automatically install and update your Xbox 360 controller driver with the help of third-party software. Using a dedicated driver updater tool will reduce your work steps and will prevent you from installing the wrong drivers that can lead to serious PC malfunctions.
That should do it. After this, you shouldn’t have any issues running Xbox 360 controller on Windows 8.
There’s the comments section below for questions or suggestions. So, feel free to share your thoughts.