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Do you want to prevent email forwarding in Outlook? You can easily disable the ability for an email recipient to forward a message in Microsoft Outlook by removing the Forward function.
This basically prevents recipients from forwarding or copying emails you send through Even all the attachments will be encrypted.
Let’s though assume that the recipient eventually downloads your attached file and sends it to someone else. Even so, it can’t be opened. The same thing happens if the recipient saves your email as a file and sends it as an attachment.
If this is an Outlook feature you’ve been craving for, then keep on reading the lines below.
How can I prevent email forwarding in Outlook?
1. Design a Prevent forwarding Form
2. Send your email by using the Form with preventing forward
Note: Recipients who receive your message via other services will still be able to forward your message. This applies to Outlook recipients only.
If you’re getting the Too many recipients Outlook error on Windows 10, take a look at this handy guide and easily get rid of it.
Interested in the email forward prevention Outlook feature to better secure messages? The above procedure shows you how to keep data exchanged between you and the recipient private.
We would love to know if you managed to prevent forwarding email by using the procedures mentioned in this article. Leave your thoughts in the comments section found below.