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Xbox download error 0x87e00005 can appear when installing certain Xbox One games. Although this error can be problematic, there’s a way to fix it, and today we’re going to show you how to do it.
Here’s how one user describes the issue on Microsoft Answers forums:
I can’t download/install any games on my xbox one, it shows downloading then after about 5min shows error 0x87E00005.
How can I fix Xbox download error 0x87e00005?
1. Move the game to the external drive
Note: This solution works only when installing a game from a disc.
2. Check your router
Game won’t start on your Xbox One? Fix it now with this simple guide!
3. Change the DNS on your Xbox One
- Primary DNS:
- Secondary DNS:
4. Power cycle your console
There you go, four simple and easy solutions that might help you fix Xbox error 0x87e00005. Several users reported that changing the DNS fixed the problem for them instantly, so we suggest trying that first.
If you found our solutions helpful, feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below.